History of the Pharmacist electronic Care Plan Standard
2013 - HL7 and NCPDP workgroups started drafting the HL7 version for the Pharmacist Care Plan.
2014 - NCPDP published "Recommendations for Use of the HL7 Consolidated CDA Templates for Pharmacy Version 1. Ø” (NCPDP_Recommedations_for_Use_CCDA.pdf)
2015 - HL7 and NCPDP published first eCare Plan version "CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Templates, Release 1 - US Realm” product_brief.cfm
2016 - Medication Management SNOMED CT codes were published (Pharmacy HIT Collaborative sponsored)
2016 - NCPDP published a summary document of Pharmacist Care Plan "Pharmacist eCare Plan Version 1.0: Guidance on the Use of the HL7 CDA Consolidated Templates for Clinical Notes R2.1 Care Plan” Pharmacist eCare Plan Version 1.0: Guidance on the Use of the HL7 CDA Consolidated Templates for Clinical Notes R2.1 Care Plan
September 2016 - Lantana Consulting Group was awarded ONC High Impact Pilot to complete Pharmacist Care Plan implementation Guide
June 2017 - 1st electronic Pharmacist Care Plans were sent to Community Care of North Carolina as part of CMMI Pilot
September 2017 - Lantana Consulting Group published final report for ONC High Impact Grant
September 2017 - Pharmacist Care Plan C-CDA Implementation Guide and FHIR implementation Guide was submitted as a draft Standard in HL7 balloting process
2018 - NCPDP and HL7 Pharmacist Care Plan C-CDA Implementation Guide and FHIR implementation Guide reconciled ballot comments
2018 - ONC lists Pharmacist eCare Plan in Interoperability Standards Advisory tool documenting-and-sharing-medication-related-care-plans-pharmacists
2019 - Current state- Lantana Consulting Group is incorporating Relevant Medication Management value sets to Pharmacist Care Plan C-CDA and FHIR Release 4 implementation guides and were prepared for Standard for Trial Use HL7 for May 2019 balloting process. Subsequqntly, the NCPDP/HL7 Pharmacist eCare Plan C-CDA template and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Implementation Guides (IGs) completed balloting at HL7 and NCPDP in 2019. The HL7 FHIR Management Group requested some clarifications to the HL7 FHIR R4. These clarifications are related to the overall FHIR R4 standard not specifically to the Pharmacist eCare Plan.
2020 - When the HL7 FHIR Management Group completes their review, it will move to the HL7 Technical Steering Committee for approval. Once approved by HL7, NCPDP and HL7 will work jointly submit the IGs to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for accreditation and publication by HL7 and NCPDP.